Boys Basketball

This program is designed to develop skills, teamwork, and a love for the game of basketball in a fun and supportive environment. Whether your child is a beginner or has some experience, our program teaches valuable life lessons like discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Join us today and watch your child grow both on and off the court!


League Information


For older age groups, evaluations begin in November.

Practices and games run from early December until late February or early March.


All practices and games are held at local schools. Refer to the resources page to see list of schools and directions.


Each team will have one weeknight practice. Each practice is one hour long.


Each team will have one weekend game. Games will typically be played on Saturdays for most age groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have my child placed on the same team with his/her friend or with a specific coach?

There is an option at registration for special request. For younger age groups, we try to honor specific request to play with classmate, provided that teams are overall balanced as determined by the league commissioner.

For the older age groups, there are limitations bounded by evaluations and the draft, by which the fulfillment of this request cannot be guaranteed. If the league commissioner can address the request in agreement with the other coaches without causing an imbalance on any team, it may be permissible but is not guaranteed. The request must be made directly to the league commissioner.

Can siblings be placed on the same team?

Yes, siblings that play in the same age group, will be automatically placed on the same team. If siblings prefer to be placed on different teams, that request should be made to the league commissioner.

If I coach a team, can my child's registration fee be waived?

Not at this time. CRC basketball is an all-volunteer organization, and coaches as well as all commissioners of the organization volunteer their time for reasons other than compensation.

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